Thought leadership content driving C-suite engagement to Fujitsu worldwide​

We created a multi award-winning integrated web, social and print programme showcasing valuable insights from the world’s leading business thinkers and rock star executives. This enabled Fujitsu to reach to an elusive target group: global CxOs, with demonstrable results.


Web/mobile presence, High-impact video, Social activation, Print magazines (events & verticals), Email newsletters, ABM targeting support

Thought leadership content driving C-suite engagement to Fujitsu worldwide

We created a multi award-winning integrated web, social and print programme showcasing valuable insights from the world’s leading business thinkers and rock star executives. This enabled Fujitsu to reach to an elusive target group: global CxOs, with demonstrable results.


Web/mobile presence, High-impact video, Social activation, Print magazines (events & verticals), Email newsletters, ABM targeting support

Inspiring and deepening
C-suite engagements
for Fujitsu

Senior technology decision makers are notoriously hard to access. To connect with them meaningfully, you need to create a genuine value exchange: delivering premium content that they want to engage with and featuring their business heroes. The thought-leadership programme we created for Fujitsu – across web, social and print – did just that, allowing the company to cultivate new and deeper customer engagements.

The results

  • Awarded ‘Best B2B content programme in tech’ at the CMA Awards
  • 100,000+ business readers
  • 1.84 million page-views
  • 1.2 minutes average time on page

Why it matters.

With the I-CIO thought-leadership programme, 7C3 built a direct connection to an elusive tech audience that was a roll call of the world’s top CIOs and CTOs. While subtly surfacing Fujitsu’s innovative solutions, the customer engagement created was directly linked to major contracts wins.

View more of our recent case studies

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